LV 360

Launched in June 2024, the fund Fondo Parallelo LV 360 will support Lombardy-based, early stage startups and scale-ups in the DeepTech sector. The closed-end venture capital fund is managed by 360 Capital Partners SAS (“360 Capital”), leveraging resources of the Lombardia Venture Fund of Funds (Fondo di FondiLombardia Venture), managed by Finlombarda S.p.A.

The Lombardia Venture initiative is an integral part of Action 1.3.2 of the PR Lombardia FESR 2021-2027, aiming at reinforcing the sustainable growth and competitiveness of small and medium enterprises in Lombardy. Lombardia Venture the favors employment growth and productive investments. The Giunta di Regione Lombardia, with the Deliberazione XI/7403 dated November 21, 2022, formalized the implementation of the Lombardia Venture fund, representing an integral part of this strategy.

The Fondo Parallello LV 360 will systematically co-invest with 360 Capital Italia SICAF S.p.A., in startups and scale-ups based in Lombardy showing a strong innovation potential, in particular in the DeepTech sector. The fund’s structure and co-investment mechanism aims at maximising the use of resources and the impact of investment realized by 360 Capital and the fund it manages in Lombardy-based innovative companies.

On September 29 2023, following a public request for proposals and a thorough evaluation process involving several venture capital management, 360 Capital was selected by Lombardia Venture and received a commitment of 10.000.000 Euros.

For further information on the investment characteristics and conditions qualificationin the fund, please contact 360 Capital ( ).